Wednesday, October 21, 2009

LNPB Leave No Plastic Behind Update

Well I dropped off my quilt piece yesterday. The piece is finished, but not my commitment to continue with the changes I have already implemented decreased plastic use in our home, as well as continue to look for new ways to reduce our use of plastics in our lives. As for the future of my quilt block it looks like this:
Well there will be a few stops for the quilt, starting on Alberta @ Fuel Cafe for First Thursday, then it will be hanging at the new LNPB headquarters on Killingsworth and 19th. It will then travel to the Junk to Funk fashion show on November 14th. We are hoping to have a party soiree for the artists in early December, perhaps for First Thursday in the Pearl, but we're still looking for a space for that at this late date! Then it goes to Hillsboro - Century High School - for an educational project and will likely travel to the Bay Area in California early next year!
Please keep checking back for updates on the project!

1 comment:

Sparks of Spirit Glass said...

Art can be part of political action in significant ways. You prove it~
I look forward to seeing your quilt while it's still in pdx!
Congrats are working for change!