"Ice Has A Way Of Melting"
Clay, found objects, displayed on Purple Heart wooden book stand. 19 x 11 x 10 inches.
Artist Statement
Inspired by my relationship with my daughter, Jenni, two trees grow separate yet attached at the roots, that sacred container. The challenges, the love, the richness, the thorns, the pleasure and the pain. The ice has a way of melting and with this comes the water to nourish the tree(s). The light of the fire within, the incubation needed to become. The fire of the feminine. Kuan Yin is the Buddhist Goddess of Compassion and Protection who through great love and sacrifice during life and whose mysterious powers continually produced, sustained, destroyed, and renewed life throughout the universe. The growing together of mother-daughter, a part of each other yet apart from each other. The scars from the thorns begin to fade, the flowers begin to blossom as the two strong women emerge, more connected than before.