This Labor Day weekend was rainy and pretty miserable but Art In The Pearl went on despite the weather. Yesterday cleared up which brought lots of people gathering to see the wonderful annual art and craft exhibit. Once again I had a piece on exhibit and it was nice to have lots of people and energy coming through our booth. The piece that I showed was "Can The Child Inside Me Rise Above". Thanks to all for the wonderful feedback!
After reading about the Leave No Plastic Behind project through the Regional Arts & Culture Council website yesterday, my mind was immediately catapulted into thinking about the changes I have already made in my plastic usage habits, which have significantly changed in the past few years. It also challenged me to examine what changes I can still make. I feel great about the changes we have made, yet there is still so far to go. What I believe to be the biggest problem in our plastic driven society, is the so called chic boutique bottled water obsession, a ban we have implemented in our home long ago. We even make our own sparkling water. More importantly, when I began to think about what I can do to make even more changes I at first felt overwhelmed and then empowered. The things that have landed in my bag of items already purchased from merely one day into the project astounded me. I am already making changes in my head planning for my next shopping trip purchases as well as having my husband and partner in crime make changes as well. He will begin bringing a reusable cup to the coffee shop now to accompany his reusable lunch container that he has carried for the past year. I also just brought my own reusable container for deli meat at the market, and asked for the price label so I could put it on myself (an idea I got from [this] website, thank you very much!)
I have been a found object artist for a number of years and this opportunity is incredibly inspiring and invigorating. I hope this fever is contagious! I am so ready to be on board for the first time but not the last time in this LNPB quilt project. This is not just a one time novelty. It is the beginning of a continued life style change. I am faced with both welcome problem solving all the changes I can make but on the flip side, the frustration I feel watching others living in the disposable mindset environment around me. It leaves wondering if I have the power to make an impact of change and influence their habits as well. Our kids have left the nest, but I am trying to still influence their choices by the example I set. I believe it is still possible to reach them as well as other family members and friends. It’s a start! I am so psyched to be a part of this important movement!